Chronic Prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis is a clinical picture that causes multiple complaints in the patient as a result of inflammation of the prostate tissue.

In men, the prostate's function is to help hold urine and create fluid that protects incoming sperm cells. But the real handicap in prostatitis is the anatomical location of the prostate in the body. In men, the cavernosal nerve network leading to the penis and the vascular structures that cause erection are closely related to the prostate. Likewise, the fact that the prostate is directly below the bladder means that an inflammation in the prostate tissue can impair the quality of urination and make you feel like urinating all the time.

The most common cause that triggers the disease is gonorrhea that develops after unprotected sexual intercourse and then the microbe that settles in the prostate and causes continuous inflammation. However, traumas that can cause damage to the prostate, cold weather, intense emotional stress can also cause non-microbial inflammation in the prostate tissue. Chronic Prostatitis hastalığında bir şikayet değil, şikayetler topluluğu vardır. Bu yüzden Kronik Prostatit Hastalığı Kronik Pelvik Ağrı Sendromu adı altında tanımlanmaya başlamıştır.

Hastalığı tetikleyen en sık sebep Korunmasız Cinsel İlişki sonrası gelişen bel soğukluğu ve ardından alınan mikrobun prostata yerleşmesi ve devamlı inflamasyona neden olmasıdır. Ama prostatta hasara neden olabilecek travmalar, soğuk hava, yoğun emosyonel stress de prostat dokusunda mikropsuz inflamasyona neden olabilmektedir.

Chronic prostatitis takes about 2 years to be fully diagnosed in the world. During this period, the patient may experience severe crotch pain, restlessness while sitting, severe penile burning and pain in the perineum after ejaculation, testicular pain, frigidity, frequent urination or lack of erection.

Many methods have been tried in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, but unfortunately, giving only antibiotics and thinking of the disease as a simple infection causes the disease to become chronic and resistant.

After treating a large number of Chronic Prostatitis Patients in the last 5 years, I defined the 'ISTANBUL PROSTATITIS TREATMENT PROTOCOL'.

This treatment protocol lasts approximately 3 weeks and the dose of treatment is adjusted for each patient according to the intensity of their complaints.